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講 師 名 Tobey
年 齢 / 性 別 39才 / 男性
出 席 率 [Attendance Rate] 過去1ヶ月の出席率   99%   ★★★★★   (143/145)
Location / 日本語スキル Home / 片言なら話せる
趣 味・特 技 Japanese anime, Super Sentai, DC & Marvel Superheroes, Singing, Dancing, Drawing, Movies, Books
専 門 レ ッ ス ン 範 囲 英検・Eiken・Side by Side・子供向け・初級向け・中級向け・上級向け・DMEコース
自 己 紹 介 A wonderful day dear students!

My name is Teacher Tobey. ^_^
Nice to meet you here!
I am what's called a Japanophile.
It means I love Japanese culture and its people! <3 <3 <3

At my university, I took up International Studies because I love learning about geography, world cultures, peoples and especially, their languages.

My TOEIC score is 955/990.

I have taught English for more than two
years now, from kids to adults and to the elderly. And I must say, the Japanese personality is very endearing to me. I'm so delighted to have met and befriended many Nihonjin because it has been my childhood dream to have many Japanese friends. This is why I'm also studying Nihonggo.

My dream in the future is to become a successful Anison and J-Pop singer and also a mangaka! In my free time, I rehearse a lot of English and Japanese songs. I also write and develop my own stories and characters so that in the future, I can get published in Shonen Jump Magazine! :-O

My style in teaching English is very cheerful, energetic and omoshiroii!
And if you have difficulty in speaking, that's alright, because I can speak a little Japanese. I can guide you to learning English the easy and fun way, so "Hazukashii garanaide ne?" ^_^

I am looking forward to meet you soon!
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! :-D
V O I C E コ メ ン ト




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■受講生のコメント         最新の30件を掲載しています

評価者 コメント
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
As I mentioned in the lesson, news related to US President Trump is often reported even in Japanese media.
Most Japanese are worried about the profits of Japanese companies because he will impose high tariffs on many products imported into the US.
In addition, he also seems to show a conciliatory attitude toward Russia during the war between Ukraine and Russia.
His behavior also irritated the Japanese because Japan has a territorial dispute with Russia.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
As I mentioned in the lesson, I bought a smart phone for my children last Sunday.
The smartphone has basic functions which are talking, sending/receiving messages and camera.
It does not have web browsing or any other Apps.
Of course, the monthly fee for using it is not expensive, it is only approximately 190 PHP.
So I'm a little concerned that my kids might complain about the very simple smartphone.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the the material based on the article "Top U.S. & World Headlines" that you kindly selected on 27 Feb. 2025.
Even NHK reported the latest activities of President Trump, but some of the videos in the channel "The video of Democracy Now!" have not been reported in Japan.
According to yesterday's NEWS, there were arguments in the meeting between Trump and Zelenskyy. They failed to negotiate.
Many people judge him to be a competent businessman, but not a politician from the point of view of other nations.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class as always from the the topic about computer security that you kindly selected on 20 Feb. 2025.
I thought that a Spyware covertly may be working in your PC. It sometimes brings unexpcted behavior.
In addition, it would not be easy to remove it esplecially for casual users.
For that reason, The best solution I recommend is that you purchase a new PC , because it does not have any suspicious application softwares.
Of course, you can do factory reset on your PC or buy older model PC with cheap price.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always from the the topic about "Computer Security" that you kindly selected on 12 Feb. 2025.
As I mentioned in the lesson, I allow our company to access the laptop because our company lends it to me for work use for security reasons. For example, the company has a duty to prevent an employee's PC from being infected with a computer virus.
So I don't put any personal information on it.
On the other hand, social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and X obtain our personal information in return of our use of their services for free.
I have accounts of the major social media , whereas I never enter my exact information such as name, address, occupation, etc.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the the material based on the video "Cyber Crime and Hunting Cyber Criminals" that you kindly selected on 10 Feb. 2025.
I have experience of IT engineer, but I'm not confident to protect completely from any threats, because the trap is becoming more complicated, such as fishing mail, disguised web sites, it would be impossible for ordinary users to distinguish genuine sites and fake sites nowadays.
Our company deploys endpoint security software that is much greater than anti-virus software.
The endpoint security software always monitors employees' PCs and even small changes of inside of the PC will be detected, the effectiveness is intense, but the cost is quite high.
For individual users, I doubt that the software is worth it in terms of the cost.
To prevent this, I personally set very strong passwords, never click on suspicious links, and so on.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the YouTube video "Japanese work culture is unsustainable" that you kindly selected on 5 Feb. 2025.
I was a little surprised to see this video because it accurately describes Japanese work culture even from a foreigner's point of view.
The basis of the bizarre culture is mainly the pressure to conform.
However, I agree with the idea that this culture will end sooner or later for the following reasons.
1) The current stubborn workers will retire or die out after a few decades.
2) The new mindset that the Japanese work culture is obsolete is gradually spreading among young workers.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Takahiro さんのコメント
Thank you, Tobey-san. My daughter had good time with you. See you next time!
Takahiro さんのコメント
Thank you, Tobey-san. See you next time!
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the YouTube video "The Dark Future of iPad Kids" that you kindly selected on 27 Jan. 2025.
I admit that tablet PCs, such as Apple iPad, are useful digital devices.
However, the devices can be detrimental to children because it robs them of precious time.
Nowaday, Tablet PCs have a parental control feature to regulate available hours and harmful content.
So, parents should turn on the function. I enable the function for the reasons.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the YouTube video "What is DEI and what is Trump’s order?" that you kindly selected on 24 Jan. 2025.
The first day of the new US president, Donald Trump was reported as a top news in Japan.
According to the news, he signed many presidential decrees to invalidate existing ordinaces and rules.
(I suppose that even a president cannot invalidate existing US laws.)
He also showed disagreement with DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion), his desicion can badly affect employment.
For many Japanese companies, the DEI concept has been popularized, but I suspect that his decision may affect the companies badly.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the topic "Welcome to the DIvided States of Oligarchy" that you kindly selected on 23 Jan. 2025.
A picture has been posted on a YouTube channel saying "Welcome to the DIvided States of Oligarchy".
This theme is related to the new US president, Donald Trump.
Despite the election result, there are some complaints about the new US political structure.
It wasn't until I saw the comment that 'oligarchy' is just the opposite of 'democracy'.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Takahiro さんのコメント
Thank you, Tobey-san. See you next time!
Takahiro さんのコメント
Thank you, Tobey-san. See you next time!
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the YouTube video "This company owns the world (and it's our fault) - BlackRock" that you kindly selected on 16 Jan. 2025.
It was not until I watched the Youtube video that I realized BlockRock is the richest company in the world.
Most Japanese know of Facebook(meta), Apple, Netflix, Google, Amazon, etc.
However, they would not know BlockRock.
I also found out that BlockRock has a branch office in Japan.
The employees in the office can earn much higher salaries than JTC (Japanese Traditional Companies). Of course, it seems that a high level of English is required to work there.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Takahiro さんのコメント
Thank you, Tobey-san. See you next time!
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the YouTube video "Fraud Schemes: Types of Embezzlement" that you kindly selected on 6 Jan. 2025.
This video tells us about six main types of embezzlement. They are Siphoning, Check kiting, Lapping, Payroll, Kickbacks, Over time.
Sometimes I hear Lapping crimes on the TV news in Japan. I have not heard of Check kiting crimes because Check is not so common for ordinary people.
In my previous company there was overtime embezzlement.
However, I have no idea what punishment the perpetrator received, because the incident happened after I left the company.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Takahiro さんのコメント
See you next time.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable lesson, from the topic about Japanese anime, comics and movies on Dec. 30, 2024.

I was supposed to watch the movie "Oshi no Ko (My Favorite Idol's Children)".
In general, live-action movies based on Japanese comics are more likely to flop due to terrible quality.
However, the live-action port tells us a complete story to the end, so I was determined to watch it.

Comics in the Western region are read from left to right, but comics in Japan are read from right to left.
Actually, some books in Japan are read from left to right as the same as that of Western.
So I understood that Japanese people read comics backwards from a global standard point of view.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Shiho さんのコメント
Thanks so much for wonderful time, Tobey.
You are so fun to talk witn because you are open and candid.
I am looking forward to seeing you again!
Takahiro さんのコメント
Thank you, Tobey-san. See you next time!_
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "The Real Killer is the American Health Care System" that you kindly selected on 23 Dec. 2024.
I forgot to tell you, but this article reminds me of a personal incident of mine.
My motorcycle was damaged by another car while it was parked. So I asked a maintenance company to fix it.
I thought the repair fee would be reimbursed, but the car insurance denied the full insurance money the first time.
Finally, I convinced the company with some photos of my motorcycle as evidence.
Insurance company is likely to reluctant to reimburse insurance money.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Takahiro さんのコメント
Thank you, Tobey-san. My daughter had good time with you. See you next time!
Takahiro さんのコメント
Thank you, Tobey-san. See you next time!
Ryoko さんのコメント
Thank you
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the YouTube video "Are Women Too Hard To Animate? Tropes vs Women in Video Games" that you kindly selected on 11 Dec. 2024.
Most of video games made in Japan probably have attractive heroines. I suppose the attractive female characters can be a trigger to buy the games.
I have played "Metal Gear Solid 4". In that game, five female soldiers are enemy bosses.
After defeating her,Each boss sheds her armor and appears as a woman in form-fitting clothing. It’s obviously intended to make the player’s encounters sexually titillating as the video mentioned. However, the action to defeat the enemy, the battle is characterized by the unique feature that the enemy has. So, the game is considered a masterpiece.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable class with the topic about Anime made in Japan on 7 Dec. 2024.
The anime and comic "Attack on Titan" is a masterpiece because the story is well thought out and coherent.
Meanwhile, the stories of other popular works are also likely to cause discrepancies because they had to be forced to expand for commercial reasons.
The next anime I should watch is "HUNTER x HUNTER", which you recommended. I know a title that was serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump", a manga anthology published since 1998. However, the serialization of the works was interrupted more than 10 times due to the author's health problem.
One of my friends rated it as a masterpiece, so I'd like to see the video version if my kids like it.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "The Disturbing Rise of iPad Kids" that you kindly selected on 29 Nov. 2024.
I admit that tablet PCs, such as Apple iPad are useful digital devices.
However, the iPad can be detrimental to children because it robs them of precious time.
Tablet PCs have a parental control feature to regulate harmful content. So, parents should turn on the function.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Tobey.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "Breaking News English Lesson: Bluesky" that you kindly selected on 24 Nov. 2024.
I suppose 'X' (Twitter) is the most unreliable social media and information source in the world.
So I suppose there is a high possibility that 'Blue Sky' can take the position of 'X'.
1. gaining = e) increasing
2. alternative = h) substitute
3. currently = j) presently
4. journalist = c) reporter
5. feel = a) atmosphere
6. led = g) managed
7. logo = d) symbol
8. similar = b) alike
9. focus = f) concentrate
10. related = i) connected
The No. 5 is a little difficult for me.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Takahiro さんのコメント
Thank you, Tobey-san. See you next time!


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