iTalk Englishでは英検準1級の受験の際のSpeaking力の向上のため、新たにコースを開設いたしました。この新コースはSpeaking Training と呼びます。(略称ST)
事前に話すテーマがわかっている場合と違いレッスンが始まり初めてテーマが与えられるため、その分英語力がためされ、これを繰り返すことでSpeaking 力の向上が想定でき、しいては英検準1級の合格にもつながるものと期待できます。
1 STコースを受けたい生徒様はご予約の際、Speaking Training Course を選択する旨をコメント欄にお書き添えくださいませ。
2 レッスンが始まると講師は生徒様にそのレッスンで生徒様がスピーチを行うテーマを告げます。生徒様はそのテーマについて1分間のストリーを構想する時間が1分間与えられます。
3 1分が経過すると、生徒様はテーマに沿った一つのストリーを作り上げ、実際に2分間のスピーチを行います。2分後にはストリーが未完成であってもいったんスピーチをやめます。
4 講師からいくつかの質問があるので正確に答えます。
5 最後に講師から評価を聞いて次回以降の授業で生かしてください。
1 先生はまず生徒様の語るべきテーマを示します。(theme)
2 同時にそのテーマの中で生徒様の立場(役割)を示します。(role of the student)
3 次に生徒様は誰に報告すべきかを示します。( to whom the student needs to report)
4 最後に先生はスピーチの構想に役立つように4つのヒントを示します。(4 hints)
5 その後1分間の構想時間が与えられます。( preparation of speech by 1 minute)
6 1分が経過すると生徒様は2分間のスピーチを始めます。( presentation for 2 minutes)
〇 先生が示したテーマ:火事
〇 生徒の役割:警察官
〇 報告の相手:警察署本部の交通課
〇 4つのヒント:
1 火事は2軒の住宅
2 現地の風が強まりつつあり、延焼の恐れあり
3 火事見学者増加の一途で、交通渋滞発生
4 交通警察多数の援軍が必要
Question 1
It is said that Japan has four seasons. Could you kindly tell me about four seasons and Japanese people's way of thinking towards four seasons.
However, in your explanation, please use the words like flower, hot wheater, fruit, snow, at least once.
日本には四季があると聞きます。四季がどんなものか、四季を知らないフィリピン人である私に、四季と日本人について説明してください。尚、説明の中で、花、猛暑、果物、雪 という言葉を使用してください。
It is said that Japan has four seasons. Could you kindly tell me about four seasons and Japanese people's way of thinking towards four seasons.
However, in your explanation, please use the words like flower, hot wheater, fruit, snow, at least once.
In Japan, there is really four seasons in one year. But to tell the truth, in the past few decades, gradually the difference of seasons has been unclear compared with many years ago. Therefore, Japanese people's way of thinking, life style, which are strongly influenced by change of seasons, is also changing step by step.
Change of seasons are different by district, but if I mention this as the phenomena seen in Tokyo area, many years ago, Spring was between middle of March to middle of June, as well, Summer was June to September, Fall was September to December and Winter was December to March. To tell these facts short, in Spring flower blooms, in Summer starting by rain and the sun shines strongly in Fall sometimes attacked by typhoon, but we could enjoy various fruits and in Winter, it is very cold in whole Japan with snow.
Japan's four seasons has influenced Japanese people's life style or even forming their character. Having four times season in a year, it has requested Japanese to have various clothes for each season, as well, it has brought many kind of foods,mainly due to the rich production of various food material in each seasons. Further more, regarding Japanese house, historically it was built for evading the hotness of Summer season, not coolness of winter season.
Quick change of four seasons has requests Japanese people to act by quick rhythm of life style and this finally has made Japanese very diligent.
There is one of the literary genre in Japan, called Haiku, in which we use a word of season essentially. If we write the scenery of Spring, we use the word like flower,as well in Summer, word like cicada, in Fall word like moon, and in Winter word like snow. Almost all Japanese could understand how to use those words of seasons properly. In our country as we have such short poem, we are very much sensitive to the change of seasons.
However, due to heightening of temperature caused by global warming, more recently, one year is becoming to be only two seasons, like Summer and Winter. Right now air conditioning equipments are widely used at each individual homes, or we can eat summer vegetables in winter due to the leveling up of agricultural technology, development of green house etc., therefore we do not feel the change of seasons so deeply unlike many years ago. Rather, today's Japanese peoples understand the change of the seasons by the commercialism of department stores like season's sail in Xmas and Halloween.
日本で発展した 俳句 という短詩の文学ジャンルがありますが、この中では、必ず季節を示す言葉を入れることになっています。短詩の中で、花といえば、春、せみ といえば夏、月といえば秋、雪といえば冬というように使用され、それをすべての日本人が理解できます。