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講 師 名 Del
年 齢 / 性 別 38才 / 女性
出 席 率 [Attendance Rate] 過去1ヶ月の出席率   100%   ★★★★★   (51/51)
Location / 日本語スキル Home / 話せない
趣 味・特 技 singing and acting
専 門 レ ッ ス ン 範 囲 英検・Eiken・Side by Side・子供向け・初級向け・中級向け・上級向け
自 己 紹 介 Hello students! My name is Mariedel but you can call me Del. I love shopping, watching adventurous movies and reading inspirational stories. I also love singing and acting.

I worked in two English language school companies in the past. I taught students from Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam, and Taiwan but my heart is very close to Japanese people because most Japanese are very kind and very well-mannered.

Teaching is my passion. I love teaching because I like to impart my knowledge to students who are eager to learn English. I want to help them and share my knowledge and experiences with my students so that they, too, may achieve their dreams. I believe that my strength lies in my patience and dedication to my students.

I believe that if you have strong determination and passion for the things that you are doing, you will achieve whatever you set your mind to.

I look forward to meeting you!


V O I C E コ メ ン ト


Let's talk about Articles!
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Level

Practice the following:
--> Reading Skills
--> Vocabulary
--> Speaking Ability
--> Question Drills
--> Memory Ability
Video and Audio Class
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Level

Youtube Short Video and Audio in English
- Short viewing and listening in English with Transcript after the class.
---> these will enhance your viewing and listening skills in English.
EGO Lessons
For Beginners

EGO Lessons will help you to develop and improve your speaking skills. As well as improve and expand your vocabulary.
Textbook lessons
All levels

Reading Boat 1, 2 and 3
Side by Side all levels


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< 今週 翌週 >









■受講生のコメント         最新の30件を掲載しています

評価者 コメント
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Former Malaysia leader to run for office aged 97' you kindly chose. on 20th Jan. 2024.
As I said in the lesson, this article reminds me of an office female worker in her early 90's. She got a Guinness world record for her achievement as an oldest office full-time worker. However, the Malaysia leader is older than her, so it's unbelievable.
Many Japanese are likely to regard an age as experience, so they respect senior people.
But, the age sometimes may be a barrier to communicate each other. For the reason, I'm coy about my age.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Peach fuzz is colour of the year for 2024' you kindly chose on 13 Jan 2024.
As I mentioned in the lesson, my favorite color depends on circumostances.
When it comes to digital gadgets, like laptopa, smartphonea and equipment/instrument, I like Silver color.
I also like white, silver, and black for clothing.
In general, my favorite color is Sky Blue, because this color has a function to calm people down.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Hatasan12-0186 さんのコメント
Thank you.
Saki 12-0201 さんのコメント
Thank you for your class today! I will try to use idioms I learned today. Have a good Christmas Day!
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del .
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the interesting article 'Making a Change: New Year's Resolutions' you kindly chose on 23rd Dec. 2023.
As I mentioned in the lesson, my subjective 'taking the English lesson every day' of this year 2023 will be mostly accomplished.
This coming New Year 2024, my subjective will be doing exercise more than this year, like taking a walk, spending outside and using stair (not use ab elevator and an escalator) so on. I wouldn't set a very stcict goal tha would be impossible.
I'd use the following idioms for New Year's resolution:
- To kick a habit
- To turn over a new leaf
- To start from scratch
- To get the ball rolling
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del .
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the interesting article 'Pope says Italians should have babies, not pets' you kindly chose.
In the case of Japan, many experts assert that the root cause of the low birth rate is the declining number of newly married couples.
However, the Japanese government haven't taken any effective counter measures to resolve it, so the issue has remained unsolved for many years.
Probably, the Italian government is no different from Japan.
By the way, I laughed at that short sentence 'Pope rebuked a woman who asked him to bless her baby, which was actually a dog.'
The puppy must the most blessed dog in the world.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the continuing article 'New Zealand U-turns on planned smoking ban' you kindly chose.
Here is the new expressions I leaned in the lesson.
1) turn the tide: turn the table
2) up in arms over: be enraged in
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the interesting article 'New Zealand U-turns on planned smoking ban' you kindly chose.
Here is my thought about the article after reading it.
1) I suppose that the number of smokers will reduce in the world.
2) Despite the effort, it’s impossible to completely set the number of smokers zero.
3) It is quite difficult for smokers to completely stop smoking.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the interesting article 'Scrolling on the toilet can damage your body' you kindly chose.
To be honest, I've used scrolling a smartphone in a restroom to save my time.
However, I admitted that the drawback of using the smartphone in the room may outweigh the advantages.
For that reason, I'd like to avoid using my smartphone in the room as much as I can.
Otherwise, I'll wipe my smartphone with a sanitizing wipes after using the restroom
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
MAK12−0158 さんのコメント
Thank you very much for today's lesson.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Fatigue and sleeplessness are on the rise' you kindly chose.
After reading this article, I decided to adjust an air conditioner or heater around 19degC to have good sleep.
I had thought that the most comfortable temperature for sleep is around 25degC.
I've already done the other ways suggested in this article, to make a quiet and dark bedroom.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Yumi さんのコメント
I had a great time.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Red light could help improve vision in old age' you kindly chose.
As I mentioned in the lesson, this new method is currently under investigation.
So far, there is not enough evidence to proof the effectiveness of red.
However, it would be epoch-making way to improve our eyesight, because the conventional ways, contact lenses, surgecal operations are very hassle.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
MAK12−0158 さんのコメント
Thank you very much for today's lesson!
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Bed poverty on the rise in the UK' you kindly chose.
As I mentioned in the lesson, the number of Bed poverty People in Japan is smaller than that in the UK.
There are some homeless people in a center of Tokyo, but they can get advantages of Safety net.
In addition, there is another way to avoid the Bad poverty. It is living in a rural cities or countryside area.
However, I appreciate the living in metropolitan area, because it's much more convenient and attractive.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Company makes booth for vertical napping you' kindly chose.
The article reminded me of a Japanese company that provides designated nap rooms where their employees can catch forty-winks in the middle of their working day.
I've read another topic that taking a short nap improves our performance of work.
For that reason, I suggest that forward-looking companies should introduce the nap rooms for their employees.
However, no one will purchase it, because the price $20,000 is exorbitant.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Grapes are good for our eyesight' you kindly chose.
It's been reported that 'Lutein' and 'Zeaxanthin' are effective to improve age-related macular degeneration and cataract to a certain degree.
Actual, the mechanism of how these factors work on our eyes hasn’t been scientifically proven, but some experimental data indicates the fact.
Since knowing these results, I take the supplements every single day.
Furthermore, I’d like to eat Grapes so as to protect our eyes, but it is too much of a hassle to go shopping at grocery almost every day.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Irregular sleep patterns cause social jet lag' you kindly chose.
Everybody know 'Jet lag' which means a sense caused by time difference between two locations.
However, I suppose that most people have not heard 'Social Jet lag' which adds 'Social' to the 'Jet lag' as pre-fix word.
They may understand the 'Social Jet lag' means a sense of isolation for those who are not accustomed to using Social Media.
Anyway, irregular sleep patterns, especially lack of sleep causes not only physical problems but mental disorder.
We should keep a certain amount of sleep each day.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️


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