listening to music, watching movies, singing and net surfing
Side by Side・Middle Level・High Level
My name is Methuselah D. Porquiado, You can call me Teacher Aleah . I am extremely a music lover. I can say that I am musically inclined because I know how to play different musical instruments like guitar, banduria, bass, violin, flute, piano and other instruments and I can do musical lessons. I become a scholar in our school because of this God given gift which I cherish.
I finished the Bachelor's Degree of Secondary Education major in PEHM; Physical Education, Health and Music at the University of Cebu. As I graduated my course, I received an award as Best Student Teacher. It is really my desire to teach because I was inspired by my elementary teacher. Being a teacher, you need to have patience and understanding. Within the last two years, I taught preschool and elementary pupils providing them with knowledge of the basic skills in Music, English Reading and Language subjects and other fields while having a part-time job in teaching musical instruments in one of the Catholic Universities in Cebu.
I am very much excited to be a part of your venture in learning English Language as we go hand in hand with a fruitful and an enjoyable Language learning.!
Got to see you in Class...
私はMethuselah D. Porquiado,です。Teacher アレヤと呼んで下さい。私はとても音楽が好きでギター、ベース、バイオリン、フルート、ピアノが演奏でき教えることも出来ます。大学はで小学生の教育課程を専攻してCebu大学では体育と音楽の教育についても学びThe Best Studentの称号を戴きました。
I teach you from my house. I'm sorry I can't use some texts.If you like to use the specific text ,Please send me or iTalk support Tokyo during the day time.
自宅からのレッスンとなりますため一部テキストが使用できません。生徒様のお持ちのテキストを使い受講したい場合はスカイプで事前に送っていただきますと受講できます。Tokyo office へはまとめて送っていただくことも可能です。
To test : Speaking, Memory test, Comprehension based on the Video
1. The Definition of Sexy around the world
2. School for Tired Students
3. Hand Gestures Around the World
4. Brewing tea - Russian Style
5. How to make homework less work
Goal: To improve the following skills:
1. Should you be aiming for 10,000 steps a day?
2. Immigrants Find Their American Dream in the Kitchen
3. Japan's centenarian population hits record high
4. To Live Longer, Eat More Chicken and Plant-Based Protein
5. Playing Chess Does Not Make Children More Intelligent
Thank you so much. I enjoyed today's lesson. See you next time.
Thanks for speaking so kindly!
Thank you so much, Aleah.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the interesting article 'A Hawaiian Airlines passenger who was kicked off a plane after boarding due to an invalid ticket says the airline initially wasn't willing to accommodate anything' you kindly chose.
This incident made us realize that social media is becoming increasingly powerful. No longer can large corporations ignore the voices of the media.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.