[About Personal Information Protection]
We protect the personally identifiable information such as names, addresses, email addresses provided by users. We don't provide the information to the third parties except necessary occasions by maintaining and managing the information to an appropriate extent.
About the scope of use of collected information
Our school stores and uses the personally identifiable information collected from the users to the extent of service provided. We also shall be able to use the personally identifiable information within the information we have collected in accordance with said items specified the Service Agreement.
Provision of collected information
In no event, we intentionally provide personally identifiable information we have collected from our users to the third parties except the following two circumstances to the necessary extent:
(1) In cases where the disclosure based on legal grounds from the third party is requested.
(2) In cases where the release consents from the members to the third parties are obtained.
About security
We will take any necessary measures to manage, avoid leakage and prevent loss of information collected from users of our school.