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講 師 名 Juliet
年 齢 / 性 別 34才 / 女性
出 席 率 [Attendance Rate] 過去1ヶ月の出席率   94%   ★★★★☆   (16/17)
Location / 日本語スキル Home / 話せない
趣 味・特 技 swimming and cooking
専 門 レ ッ ス ン 範 囲 英検・Eiken・Side by Side・子供向け・初級向け・中級向け
自 己 紹 介 Hello there! I'm Teacher Juliet. I am a jolly type of person.I like my class to be fun while learning, but I can be serious when I need to. I finished Bachelor of Elementary Education in university.

My hobbies are swimming and playing badminton. And, I also love cooking. When I have a spare time I listen to music and read books.

If you want to learn English, I will do my best to help you. Teaching is my passion, and It will be my pleasure to teach you.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in class!
V O I C E コ メ ン ト


Side by Side Lesson
Kids and Adults (all levels)

Side by Side is a four-level integrated skills course that offer language practice in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and pronunciation. It provides students with all the theory and practice they need in an ideal ...

business english

Video/audio for adults and kids

Lessons improve

Games and activities for kids

comprehension skills


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< 今週 翌週 >









■受講生のコメント         最新の30件を掲載しています

評価者 コメント
MAYUMI 【12-0285】26回分 さんのコメント
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "Japan Releases New Anti-Counterfeit Banknotes" that you kindly selected on July 7 2024.
I haven't got the new Banknotes. As far as I see social media, the new bills have good images among the poeple who got them.
However, the introduction of new banknotes would not contribute reducing the phone scam pretending to be relatives or a bank clerk, cops.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "Hiker Finds Pipe Supplying Water to Chinese Waterfall" that you kindly selected on June 16 2024.

As I said in the lesson, I would judge that the artificial waterfall doesn't deserve to be seen even if it is a highest waterfall in the fall.
I prefer a pure and wild waterfall in nature to a man-made waterfall, even if the natural waterfall is frozen and static in winter.
If I see the artificial waterfall, I would think about how much it costs to maintain.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'The Big Golden Apple: The World's Richest City' that you kindly selected on June 2 2024.
Before reading this article, I expected that the richest city in the world is Dubai in UAE, but New York and other large cities in the US are ranked as the top riches country in the world.
I was a little surprised that Tokyo is ranked as the third richest city in the world.
I'm living in suburbs of Tokyo, but it is not too long to get to the center of Tokyo and there is a lot of nature.
I appreciate living in suburban area in Tokyo has good value for the rent.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Survey: Hybrid Work Still Popular in Japan' that you kindly selected on May 26 2024.
- Which of your friends or family would you say has the best work arrangements?
- The answer is my friends. First of all, most of my friends have sufficient experience of working in large companies. They can obtain skills and abilities of time manegement through actual work. In large companies, employees have to deal with tons of tasks. so such a work arrangement is a must skill.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank Juliet. See you.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank you Juliet. See you.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank you Juliet. See you.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank you Juliet. See you.
Mika さんのコメント
I made a reservation but she didn't notice it.I made another reservation for another day, but she didn't answer the call when it was time for the lesson, so I asked her to call me, but she asked me to wait for a minute, and I had to wait for 5 minutes. I won't book again
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'More More More: What Is Money Dysmorphia?' that you kindly selected on March 24 2024.
My first impression after reading this article is that there seem to be very few people who have money dysmorphia in Japan.
As I mentioned in the lesson, I'm not a wealthy man, I don't have money dysmorphia for now.
When my financial budget gets shortage, I just work to earn money with doing part-time job.
To realize my idea, I always learn and study English and improve my specialitie every single day.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank you Juliet. See you.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Skijoring: Snow, Skis and Horse-Powered Speed!' that you kindly selected on March 17 2024.
My impression after reading this article is that the Skijoring is one of rides or attractions, but not one of sports. I was born and raised in the northern part of Japan where there is lots of snow in winter.
I have seen the activities similar to Skiijorinig, but it uses a sled not ski.
However, this activity can be done in certain areas where there is lots of snow. For this reason, Skijoring would be an attractive ride to beckon many touritsts.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank you Juliet. See you.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Samsung Introduces Ball-Shaped Home Robot' that you kindly selected on Feb. 24, 2024.
At first, I thought this robot could autonomously rotate to move without wheels like the BB-8.
So, I was a little bit disappointed when I saw the photo of the 'Ballie', because it has two wheels to move.
I expect the real BB-8 will be realized someday.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Building Success: The Playtime Advantage' that you kindly selected on Feb. 22, 2024.
As I said in the lesson, one of the reasons is that incompetent employees are automatically promoted and get higher salaries due to a school clique that is known for one of the traditional Japanese bad systems.
In order to pay them high salaries, other employees who don't have titles have to be exploited.
For this reason, it is natural that Japan has fallen to the No.4 economy in the world.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to your next class.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank you Juliet. See you.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Pizza Hut Japan Releases Ramen Pizza' you kindly chose on 6th Feb. 2024.
As mentioned in the lesson, Delivery Pizza shops are ubiquitous even in Japan these days.
However, the price of delivery Pizza is exorbitant in Japan, so I never order Pizza from the shop.
On the contrary, I sometimes purchace Pizza at a grocery store, because the price at a grocery is approximately one-fourh of the delivery of the delivery Pizza.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'I Beg to Differ: How to Disagree Politely in English' you kindly chose on 4th Feb. 2024.
I summarized the phrases for disagreeing with something in a polite way from the article.
1) "Have you considered the alternatives?"
2) "I agree up to a point,"
3) "I can see where you're coming from."
4) "I'm afraid I don't agree,"
5) "I wouldn't put it that way myself"
6) "I beg to differ."
The above 6), 5), 2) are my unfamiliar expressions, so I'd like to use the phrases in a daily work.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank you Juliet. See you.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank you Juliet. See you.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'The Most Powerful Passports for 2024 Revealed' you kindly chose. on 23rd Jan. 2024.
I haven't noticed that Muslim countries in the Middle East are likely to have less powerful passports until I read this article, although many people realize that EU countries, Japan and Singapore have quite strong passports.
As I said in the lesson, I don't have a passport. In other word, I used to have it, but it expired.
In the past, I had an opportunity to go on a business trip abroad, but it was canceled to the last minute due to a client's circumstances.
Someday, I'd love to travel abroad, but not to a country so far away.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Del.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Most Workers in Japan Contacted Out of Hours About Work' you kindly chose. on 21st Jan. 2024.
I expect that small and medium-sized companies in Japan won't follow rules even if the Japanese government establish a regulation so as to improve the work environment.
As I mentioned in the lesson, there are tons of small and medium-sized companies, but most of them are likely to be exploitative companies.
Unfortunately, to ensure their profits, the company presidents have no choice but to exploit their employees, because there are many competitive not only Japan but in the world.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article '91% of Americans Have Lost Sleep to Binge Watching' you kindly chose. on 16th Jan. 2024.
I forgot to tell you, but this article reminds me of an interesting product.
It's a box that stores a smartphone and prevents it from being touched at all from the outside.
The box has a timer and a key. You cannot touch it until the timer expires.
By separating the smartphone and other distractions from you, it allows you to focus on something or to keep enough sleep time.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Is This Ginkgo Tree in Korea the World's Most Beautiful?' you kindly chose. on 14th Jan. 2024.
As I mentioned in the lesson, Ginkgo Tree is a one of popular trees in Japan.
The leaves of the Ginkgo are very beautiful in the fall the leaves turn to yellow.
In addition, many people recognize that Ginkgo is a good ingredient, because the Gingko nuts/fruits are edible and the taste is good.
Disadvantage of th Ginkgo is its smell. The Ginkgo nusts stinks in the fall. To cook them, it is necessary to remove the smell.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Konan さんのコメント
Thank you Juliet. See you.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article '13-year-old Gamer Becomes First to Beat Tetris' you kindly chose.
This article brings back my memories. When I was a child, I sometimes played Tetris. I could stand this game for a short while although I'm not good at playing puzzle games.
The more stages a player clears, the faster the blocks fall in the game. So, a player will absolutely get game over sooner or later.
For that reason, it was a great achievement that the boy endured the game until the Tetris got freeze.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the article 'Many US Workers Skip Lunch At Least Once a Week' you kindly chose.
As I said in the lesson, I agree the behavior of the US workers.
I appreciate lunch break is indispensable to get along with colleagues.
However, I always skip lunch even if I'm at our office after the covid-19 pandemic for the following reasons.
1) The cafeteria was closed because many colleagues work form their homes.
2) I don't want to increase my weight.
3) I want to spare my time to take short nap during lunch break.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Juliet.
It was a pleasant, tactful class as usual from the material based on the interesting article 'Italian Cuisine Is World's Most Popular, Says Food Blog' you kindly chose on 30h Dec. 2023.
I agree the survey result. Italian Cuisine is quite popular among Japanese. I sometimes go to Italian restaurants to enjoy Pizza and Spaghetti.
I was a little bit surprised that Japanese Cuisine is ranked as second popular cuisine.
The difference between Italian and Japanese cuisines is the price.
I appreciate Sushi is popular and tastes good, but I seldom go to Sushi restaurant because the price is expensive although Sushi restaurant is ubiquitous nowadays.
Ramen is not one of Japanese cuisines because Ramen original came from China. Instead of Ramen, I recommend Udon and Soba that are famous for Japanese traditional noodle.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Hatasan12-0186 さんのコメント
I was glad to see you.
Thank you.


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